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                                                               Breaking News
we have for the past 25 years maintained an interruptibility security without the slightest breach.This we have shown in our merciless policies against staffs who by what so ever reason are cought up in actions that poses a threat to the security of our reputation. It is hereby released that Mr.Benjamin Oklu,our chief security officer has been suspended indefinitely from gvault.Any depositor who deals with him does so at his or her own risk.Mr.James Addison is now acting chief security until further notice.

Insurance companies will replace a TV but how can they replace your grandmother’s wedding ring,war medals, family heirlooms? How do you protect those sentimental items? A safe deposit box, that’s how!

Many people believe that by hiding family heirlooms in a box under the bed, in a safe in the floor or even hiding them in an air-conditioning duct is secure, unfortunately this is not always the case. The media reports on a weekly basis how thieves have stolen precious items; war medals, jewellery, memorabilia and even entire safes from homes.Safe deposit boxes still remain the most pro-active solution for the secure storage of your personal valuables, both of monetary and sentimental value.

Do you know of a friend or a relative that has had something precious lost (however it may occur)?

Do you have a relative in an aged care facility where their belongings have just disappeared or diminished over the years?

Are you dealing with an Estate where possessions need to be protected?

There are many different reasons why people choose to have a safe deposit box, but there is just one answer why they do and that is to make sure that what is important to them is protected to the highest level.

The services of G VAULT span over 25 years. During this time we have established an excellent reputation, creating trust and dependability for our growing base of customers. As a professional safe deposit company,G VAULT offers a totally dedicated service with no charge for visits, no service fees and seven days opening. Although Banks provide safe custody, access generally is restricted to banking hours and charges are made for every visit.We've overwritten this to your comfort, supporting it with the highest security with sate of the art security systems